Error Code Range: 400-499

400 - FailedToCreateSearchWindow

Failed to create search window.

401 - FailedToCreateToolboxContainer

Failed to create the toolbox.

402 - FailedToCreateTrackingResults

Failed to create search results window.

403 - FailedToLoadCanvas

Failed to open workflow '{0}'.

404 - FailedToLoadToolboxItems

Failed to load toolbox items for assembly '{0}'.

405 - FailedToOpenCanvas

Could not open workflow '{0}'.

407 - InvalidArgument_WrongType

The argument '{0}' was of type '{1}'. Expected type: '{2}'.

411 - PublishingError

Failed to publish workflow '{0}': {1}

414 - PublishToServerFailed

Failed to publish workflow to the server.

421 - WindowLayoutFailedToLoad_Design

The design-mode window layout failed to load. The default will be used.

425 - LayoutManagerFailedToLoad

Some layout information failed to load and has been reset.

426 - OptionsFailedToLoad

The application options failed to load and have been reset.

427 - ToolbarLayoutFailedToLoad

The toolbar button layout failed to load and has been reset.

428 - ToolboxLayoutFailedToLoad

The toolbox layout failed to load and has been reset.

429 - WindowLayoutFailedToLoad_Search

The search-mode window layout failed to load. The default will be used.

434 - FailedToCreateNewWorkflow

Failed to create a new blank workflow.

435 - FailedToOpenDownloadedWorkflow

Failed to open the downloaded workflow '{0}'.

436 - FailedToOpenDownloadedWorkflow_NoName

Failed to open a downloaded workflow.

437 - ToolboxImportActivityFailed

The toolbox failed to import the activity type '{0}'.

438 - FailedToLoadWorkflowInstance

Failed to load the workflow instance.

450 - ServerError

Server Error

451 - Error


452 - DataSourceNotFound

The data source '{0}' could not be found.

453 - FileNotFound

The file '{0}' cannot be found

454 - DirectoryNotFound

The directory '{0}' cannot be found

455 - PathTooLong

The path '{0}' was too long.

456 - CloseConnectionError

An error occurred while closing connection '{0}'.

457 - ConnectionProfileXmlNotValid

The xml for profile '{0}' has been modified and cannot be read.

458 - ConnectionValidationError

Connection validation failed. Error: '{0}'.

459 - ConnectionValidationError_Windows

The windows user name or password was not correct.

466 - ProfileNameDuplication

The profile name '{0}' is already used.

467 - UnsupportedEntryType

The entry type '{0}' is not supported at this time.

468 - ServerSerialNotAuthorized

The server serial '{0}' is not authorized for use with this server.

469 - BlankUserName

The user name cannot be blank.

471 - WorkflowStartedWithUnknownRepository

The workflow was started from repository '{0}'. There are no workflow connection profiles that use this repository.

472 - EntryNotFound

Entry not found.

473 - DuplicateName

Element with that name already exists.

485 - EntryTypeNotSupported

The entry type '{0}' is not supported by the '{1}' activity.

492 - ToolkitScriptExecuteError_Entry

An error occurred retrieving the entry with ID '{0}' from repository '{1}'.

495 - FailToEndCompletedParentWorkflow

Failed to end parent workflow since it has already completed.

498 - MethodNotVirtual

The base implementation of the method '{0}' could not be found or is not overridable. This can occur if the base implementation of the '{1}' interface is explicitly implemented.

499 - PropertyGetterNotVirtual

The base implementation of the getter for property '{0}' could not be found or is not overridable. This can occur if the base implementation of the '{1}' interface is explicitly implemented.